eCommerce Mobile App

UI/ UX Design

Project: Create a mobile app for customers to seamlessly mix and match plant purchases. The luxury e-commerce plant shop, Leon & George, sells limited collections of ceramic pots, stands, and high quality plants in varying sizes for indoor display.

Preface: Leon & George is a fast growing company with a need to scale up quickly and create more touchpoints for customer sales, including an app for on-the-go clients.

Challenge: One of the pain points for L&G is upselling their “white glove delivery” service, an added element to provide a flawless plant delivery experience and match the ease of their existing online ordering process.

A better way to buy house plants safely and ethically.

Try our White Glove Delivery Services at checkout!

Final Product

Solution: Define the customer for this service by offering “white glove delivery” service for customers who purchase large and extra large plants. These purchases exceed 50 lbs., creating a potentially strenuous indoor setup for customers.

During check-out, customers are introduced to the white glove delivery option in a clear manner along with their purchase review and a next step consisting of a one-page info form, followed by a confirmation page.

Pick a plant size


Mix and Match


Easy Delivery!


LoFi Wireframing and Ideation

I started off with sketching a couple different ways to build the app, both with the idea of mixing and matching the plant. At a later point, when it is time to prototype a much more robust app, detailed info such as measurements, perhaps better images for scaling, delivery tracker info, a FAQ segment, and voice calling customer service features would be implemented and expanded on in the design.

Considering this was the first round of prototyping, the main goal of the prototype was for presentation purposes and to seamlessly incorporate the White Glove Delivery Service.


Persona 1

Marni Reeves

Age: 32

Status: Single

Position: Senior Portfolio Manager

Location: Marina Del Rey, CA

Salary: 160K


Marni is a busy portfolio manager living in Marina Del Rey and commutes to her job in Downtown Los Angeles at a major financial firm. Her routine starts at 6 am daily with a quick yoga session, grabbing a yogurt on the way into the office by 7:30 and most days working overtime, getting home late and barely having time to heat dinner at 9. Her weekends are occupied with the extra projects she brings home, which are adding mental and emotional stress. While her professional life is moving forward, her health and home space can use some extra tender love and care. She just doesn’t have the time to decorate, and the thought of lugging large art pieces into her elevator and up to her 10th floor apartment sounds like a chore.

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Easy home decor that helps with self care, health, and doesn’t take up any of her precious time.